Cain (4113-???? BC), Sargon the Great? (see br-stm)
Enosh (3879-???? BC)
Eve (4114-3??? BC)
Seth (3984-3072 BC)
01 Adam (4114-3184 BC, 930 yrs) m. Eve (4114-3??? BC) |
02 Cain (4113-3??? BC) m. ? (Sargon the Magnificent?) |
03 Enoch (????-3??? BC) m. ? |
04 Irad (????-3??? BC) m. ? |
Traditionally, Ham "has been associated with Africa, Japheth with Europe [the West] and Shem with the East" [i.e. "Semites"]. This from Tudor Parfitt's The Lost Tribes of Israel, citing Rabinus Maurus' famous work De Universo or De rerum naturis, compiled 842-6 AD, published 10C AD."World leadership, which after the Flood was first held by the Hamitic races, and from them passed on to the Semitic nations, was from now on [starting w/Persia] to become concentrated in the hands of the Japhethic, or Aryan, peoples" (241). History has played out acc. to Gen. 9:24-7; "All the greatest empires of the earliest antiquity were Hamitic: the mighty and long-continued kingdom of [Mizraim] Egypt; the great empire of Nimrod [early Babylon] ... all the 7 nations of Canaan; and above all ... the Hittites ... Next ... were the Semites ... Assyria and [later] Babylon ... under Nebuchadnezzar it became a world empire ... finally overthrown by the Persians [the first Aryan world power p243] ... The destruction of the Semitic Babylonian empire in 538 BC by Cyrus the Persian was the beginning of Japhethic world rule ... [then] Alexander the Great, also an Aryan ... [then after defeating Hamitic Carthage at decisive Zama 202 BC] Rome [later Europe [w/India, Russia], Britain, America]" (244-5, The Rebirth of the State of Israel, Arthur W. Kac, 1958, Moody Press, SBC). Kac draws from H. Grattan Guinness' 1889 book The Divine Programme of the World's History (Hodder and Stoughton, London). It would be interesting to look that book over.
c. ? BC, Isaiah's warnings, Assyria expanding, Israel in decline, captivity approaching
c. ? BC, Hosea (just before the Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians)
c. ? BC, The Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea-Zephaniah)
440-430 BC, Malachi
520-480 BC, Zechariah
605-530 BC, Daniel (during Exile)
593-571 BC, Ezekiel
605-585? BC, Obadiah
626-585 BC, Jeremiah
740-681 BC, Isaiah
750-715 BC, Hosea
760-750 BC, Amos
785-775 BC, Jonah
848-797 BC, Elisha
875-848 BC, Elijah
Kings of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) (all bad):
586 BC, fall of Jerusalem to Babylon
722 BC, fall of the Northern Kingdom (incl. Samaria) to Assyria
732-722 BC, Hoshea
???-??? BC, Pekah
752-732 BC, Pekahiah, son of Menahem
752-742 BC, Menahem, son of Gadi, k. Shallum
???-??? BC, Shallum, ruled 1 mo.
753-752 BC, Zechariah, son of Jeroboam II, ruled 6 mos., k. by Shallum
781-753 BC, Jeroboam II
(? 813-793 BC, no King, Elisha active ?)
797-781 BC, Jehoash, son of Jehoahaz, reigned 16 yrs
814-797 BC, Jehoahaz, Jehu's son (2 Kings 10:35), reigned 17 yrs
841-814 BC, Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat son of Nimshi
852-841 BC, Jehoram (Joram), son of Ahab
853-852 BC, Ahaziah, son of Ahab
874-853 BC, Ahab m. Jezebel
885-874 BC, Omri (cmdr of Army)
885-885 BC, Zimri (k. Elah, reigned only 7 days)
886-885 BC, Elah, son of Baasha
908-886 BC, Baasha
909-908 BC, Nadab
930-909 BC, Jeroboam I